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logodesignlove Logo Design Love国外标识品牌设计 设计灵感推荐 On logos, symbols, icons, and marks, with the accompanying book available in thirteen languages.020LOGO灵感
ecomm.design eCommerce Website Design: Gallery & Tech Inspiration with 3000+ Ecommerce Websites优秀电子商务网站设计案例集。 Browse the most...020网页灵感
Calltoidea Calltoidea网页设计师,ui设计师灵感神器,里面有各种各样分类好等模版 Calltoidea is the unique place where you can find inspiration. A great tool created by a deisnger for web professionals.020设计灵感# calltoidea# find inspiration# web design inspiration
Cool Hunting-猎取灵感 COOL HUNTING®猎取灵感 COOL HUNTING™ uncovers the latest intersections of design, culture and technology. Curiosity fuels our ongoing quest for the discovery of true inspiration.020设计灵感
Waveguide WaveguideWaveguide拥有数以千计的设计实例,帮助设计师,营销人员和创意人员获得灵感。 Waveguide is a project by JJ. Ramirez that documents remarkable UX examples in different platforms and contexts.020设计灵感
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Logopond Logopond是展示国外优秀的LOGO作品和发布LOGO的设计平台。包含了国外一些出名的设计师和设计机构,专业的logo设计作品这里应有尽有。不光参考资源多而且他的质量也是非常的高,是一个非常值得收藏的LOGO灵感来源网址。 Logopond - Logo, Brand & Identity Inspiration020设计灵感