扫描全能王CamScanner CamScanner: text and image scanning and recognition
扫描全能王提供最智能的文档管理方案;手机、平板、电脑变身随身携带的扫描仪,文件库,随时随心编辑文档,文字识别,文档识别,图片扫描,在线PDF转器;pdf转word,word转pdf转,图片转pdf等服务,扫描,编辑,管理,快速同步,时时分享,有效沟通。 CamScanner provides the most intelligent document management solution; pdf converter, pdf editor, pdf to word, pdf to excel, pdf to ppt, pdf to image, pdf to document, document editing, document image scanning. A Portable Scanner, efficiency improvement A weapon to make work and study more efficient, scanning, filing, uploading, searching, easy collection and management of data, free scanning and archiving, Efficiency and sharing, PDF online conversion, editing, scanning, editing, management, one-stop platform.