阿尔托大学 Aalto Aalto-yliopisto on teknisten tieteiden, kauppatieteiden ja taiteiden alan monialainen tiede- ja taideyhteisö, jossa rakennamme kestävää tulevaisuutta.030设计院校
YanKo Design Yanko Design美国知名工业设计媒体 Yanko Design is an online magazine dedicated to covering the best in international product design.020设计资讯
伦斯勒理工学院 Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI) :: Architecture Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI) :: Architecture, Business, Engineering, Humanities, IT & Web Science, Science030设计院校
凯瑞姆·瑞席 Karim Rashid设计鬼才 Karim’s work is featured in 20 permanent collections and he exhibits art in galleries world wide. Karim is a perennial winner of the Red Dot award, Chicago Athenaeum Good Design award, I. D. Magazine Annual Design Review, IDSA Industrial Design Excellence award.030设计师# Architectural Surfaces# Art Installations# branding
艺术中心设计学院 ArtCenter College of Design ArtCenter College of Design prepares artists and designers to share their creativity with the world. With a faculty consisting of successful alumni and leading working professionals in various fields, realize your passion at ArtCenter.020设计院校# animation# art college# creative direction
WIRED-《连线》设计频道 WIRED《连线》设计频道 We bring you the future as it happens. From the latest in science and technology to the big stories in business and culture, we've got you covered.030设计资讯
中央美术学院 中央美术学院 中央美术学院是中华人民共和国教育部直属的唯一一所高等美术学校,于1950年4月由国立北平艺术专科学校与华北大学三部美术系合并成立,毛泽东为学院题名。北平艺术专科学校的历史可以上溯到1918年由著名教育家蔡元培先生积极倡导下成立的国立北京美术学校,这是中国历史上第一所国立美术教育学府,也是中国现代美术教育的开端;华北大学美术系的前身是1938年创建于延安的鲁艺美术系。020设计院校# 中国美术# 中央美术学院# 中央美院