斯坦福大学 Stanford University One of the world's leading research and teaching institutions. Catalyzing discovery, accelerating solutions, sustaining life on Earth, and preparing students for active citizenship.060设计院校
辛辛那提大学 Home Explore the University of Cincinnati, where cooperative education (Co-Op) was founded over 100 years ago. Where we fuel entrepreneurship with experiential learning through research and innovation. Home to nationally ranked Carl H. Lindner College of Business.020设计院校
美国IDEA奖 Industrial Designers Society of America美国工业设计师协会发起 The Industrial Designers Society of America promotes the practice and education of Industrial Design. We exist to strengthen the industrial design profession. Our members demonstrate the boundless impact of design within business, culture, and society.020设计奖项
韩国好设计奖 우수디자인(GD) 상품선정韩国好设计奖 산업통상자원부 주최 한국디자인진흥원 주관하는 우수디자인상품선정(GD), 정부공인 GD(Good Design)마크 제도와 국가 디자인 어워드인 대한민국디자인전람회, 한국청소년디자인전람회에 대한 공식사이트로 온라인접수, 결과발표, 역대수상작갤러리 등 제공020设计奖项# design# DesignAward# GD
原研哉 日本デザインセンター原研哉 1959年創業の広告・デザイン制作会社。Webサイトやアプリケーションの開発、グラフィック、サイン計画、展覧会のプロデュースなど、「本質を見極め、可視化する」仕事を目標としています。代表取締役社長は原研哉。020设计师
深泽直人 Naoto Fukasawa Design日本工业设计师 Official Website of Naoto Fukasawa Design.020设计师# design# designer# Naoto Fukasawa
纽约时报设计频道 The New York Times纽约时报设计频道 Live news, investigations, opinion, photos and video by the journalists of The New York Times from more than 150 countries around the world. Subscribe for coverage of U.S. and international news, politics, business, technology, science, health, arts, sports and more.020设计资讯# breaking news# current events# latest news