One of the world's leading research and teaching institutions. Catalyzing discovery, accelerating solutions, sustaining life on Earth, and preparing students for active citizenship.
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格拉斯哥艺术学院 The Glasgow School of Art
The GSA is internationally recognised as one of Europe’s leading university-level institutions for the visual creative disciplines.
阿尔托大学 Aalto
Aalto-yliopisto on teknisten tieteiden, kauppatieteiden ja taiteiden alan monialainen tiede- ja taideyhteisö, jossa rakennamme kestävää tulevaisuutta.
布拉特学院 Pratt Institute
Pratt Institute provides the creative leaders of tomorrow the knowledge and experience to make a better world.
北京理工大学 北京理工大学设计与艺术学院
艺术中心设计学院 ArtCenter College of Design
ArtCenter College of Design prepares artists and designers to share their creativity with the world. With a faculty consisting of successful alumni and leading working professionals in various fields, realize your passion at ArtCenter.
弗吉尼亚州立邦联大学 Virginia Commonwealth University
Ranked a top 50 public research university, VCU is a place where discovery and creativity go hand in hand. Located in downtown Richmond, Virginia, its more than 200 programs emphasize hands-on learning, creativity and engaging in the world around us.
皇家墨尔本理工大学 RMIT University: A world leader in technology
RMIT is an international university of technology and design and Australia's largest tertiary institution.