ArtCenter College of Design prepares artists and designers to share their creativity with the world. With a faculty consisting of successful alumni and leading working professionals in various fields, realize your passion at ArtCenter.
关于艺术中心设计学院 ArtCenter College of Design特别声明
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News + Updates — MIT Media Lab
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在线滤镜 Polarr makes advanced free online photo editor, also available for iOS, Android, Mac and Windows with customized filters and professional tools.
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cocomaterial CocoMaterial
免费的手绘插图库网站 CocoMaterial is an Open Source hand-drawn illustration library
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专注于摄影的社交平台 The YouPic community of photographers lives and breathes photography. Join in - learn, share your images and vote on others in our photo community.
Cascadeur Cascadeur
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创意、设计分享 tina roth eisenberg | swiss designer gone NYC
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