ReadCube ReadCube Literature Management Solutions查找、阅读和引用文献,PDF自动识别提取 Need literature management for your research driven company? ReadCube helps your company discover, organize, read, annotate, share and cite.010文献管理
Paperpile Paperpile Reference Manager基于谷歌浏览器,与谷歌文档和学术集成,支持协作 Paperpile is a clean and simple reference manager that makes it easy to collect, organize, share, and cite your research papers.010文献管理
zotero Zotero免费、开源,浏览器插件版和桌面版,网页端直接抓取 Zotero is a free, easy-to-use tool to help you collect, organize, cite, and share research.010文献管理
Citavi Citavi文献、知识管理、任务计划、PDF全文搜索、笔记 Citavi - Best Reference Management Software for Writing and Note Taking010文献管理
EndNote EndNote文献管理工具 EndNote is the reference manager that helps you save time formatting citations, so you can focus on your research.010学术学术常用