The International Foundation For Science is a not-for-profit organization giving research grants to young scientists in the developing world. The International Foundation For Science is a not-for-profit organization giving research grants to young scientists in the developing world.
关于IFS IFS特别声明
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Science Europe representing major public organisations that fund or perform excellent, ground-breaking research. We advocate science and the scientific community to help build the European Research Area and shape the global scientific agenda.
未来论坛 首页
未来论坛 未来论坛成立于2015年,是由科学家、企业家、投资人群体共同发起创立的科学公益组织。自成立以来,未来论坛秉承“科学改变未来”的使命,全面推动科学传播事业发展和产学研对接融合,迄今已凝聚了数百位全球杰出科学家、行业领军人物、青年创新精英。
李嘉诚基金会 Li Ka Shing Foundation
Li Ka Shing Foundation supports projects that promote social progress through expanding access to quality education and medical services and research, encouraging cultural diversity and community involvement.
美国自然科学基金 NSF
NSF's mission is to advance the progress of science, a mission accomplished by funding proposals for research and education made by scientists, engineers, and educators from across the country.
世界各国颂歌 世界各国颂歌
一个涵盖了世界所有国家国歌的网站。 National Anthems of the World, 世界各国国歌
IMP Awards
All the latest movie posters as well as an extensive database of older posters dating back to 1912. Annual awards, poster design agencies, artist credits, taglines, and more.
FUNGAL DIVERSITY Fungal diversity
昆明植物所主办,真菌学领域的专业国际期刊 Fungal Diversity, The Mushroom Research Centre, The Asian Mycological Committee, The Asian Freshwater Fungi Research Group, The Asian Collectotrichum Research Committee and The Northern Thailand Mushroom Tours
英国研究与创新 UKRI – UK Research and Innovation
英国研究与创新 UKRI – UK Research and Innovation