Saladict沙拉查词 Saladict 沙拉查词

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Saladict 沙拉查词 聚合词典划词翻译 是一款专业划词翻译扩展,为交叉阅读而生。大量权威词典涵盖中英日韩法德西语,支持复杂的划词操作、网页翻译、生词本、以及 PDF 划词。 Sala...

Saladict沙拉查词 Saladict 沙拉查词Saladict沙拉查词 Saladict 沙拉查词
Saladict沙拉查词 Saladict 沙拉查词

Saladict 沙拉查词 聚合词典划词翻译 是一款专业划词翻译扩展,为交叉阅读而生。大量权威词典涵盖中英日韩法德西语,支持复杂的划词操作、网页翻译、生词本、以及 PDF 划词。 Saladict 沙拉查词 聚合词典划词翻译 是一款专业划词翻译扩展,为交叉阅读而生。大量权威词典涵盖中英日韩法德西语,支持复杂的划词操作、网页翻译、生词本、以及 PDF 划词。



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Relingo Relingo

Relingo Relingo

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沉浸式翻译 Immersive Translate

沉浸式翻译 Immersive Translate

Immersive Translate is a free-to-use website translation extension that provides you with online bilingual web page translation. It can be used to translate websites to English or other languages, documents in various formats including PDF and EPUB eBooks, bilingual subtitles for videos (support for YouTube, Netflix, and other mainstream video sites), TXT and other file translation services. Compatible with Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Safari, and other mainstream browsers, as well as being able to be installed on cell phones and computers. Supported languages include English, Spanish, Chinese, French, German, Russian, Japanese, Korean, Portuguese, Vietnamese, Indonesian, Italian, Dutch, Thai, and dozens of other languages. Supports multiple translator APIs: DeepL Translator, Google Translator, Open AI (ChatGPT), Gemini, Artificial Intelligence Translation, Youdao Translator, LingoCloud Translator, Baidu Translator, Volcengine Translator, Niutrans Translator, and others. It is the webpage translation extension tool that understands your needs and provides you with the most seamless website translation experiences available. Immersive Translate is a free-to-use website translation extension that provides you with online bilingual web page translation. It can be used to translate websites to English or other languages, documents in various formats including PDF and EPUB eBooks, bilingual subtitles for videos (support for YouTube, Netflix, and other mainstream video sites), TXT and other file translation services. Compatible with Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Safari, and other mainstream browsers, as well as being able to be installed on cell phones and computers. Supported languages include English, Spanish, Chinese, French, German, Russian, Japanese, Korean, Portuguese, Vietnamese, Indonesian, Italian, Dutch, Thai, and dozens of other languages. Supports multiple translator APIs: DeepL Translator, Google Translator, Open AI (ChatGPT), Gemini, Artificial Intelligence Translation, Youdao Translator, LingoCloud Translator, Baidu Translator, Volcengine Translator, Niutrans Translator, and others. It is the webpage translation extension tool that understands your needs and provides you with the most seamless website translation experiences available.

