81-WEB 81该网站由日本设计师加藤亮平设立用于收集日本国内优秀网站设计,供设计师参考学习。 81-web.comはWebサイト制作に参考になる日本の優れたWebデザイン・Webサイトギャラリー&参考サイト・リンク集です。81-web.com is a gallery and collection of reference sites for exceptional Japanese web design and websites, useful for web development.
notefolio 노트폴리오 :: 국내 최대 창작자/디자이너 플랫폼 by 스터닝韩国酷站集合 노트폴리오는 여기저기 흩어져 있는 아티스트와 디자이너들이 한 곳에 모여 자신의 작업을 공개하고 이야기하는 공간으로 스터닝에서 서비스합니다.
Webdesigner Depot Web Design BlogWeb设计人员的Web设计资源集中地。 WebdesignerDepot.com is a popular resource for web designers and developers, offering articles, tutorials, and insights on design trends, tools, and best practices. It serves as a hub for inspiration and education, covering topics like UX/UI, coding, and digital creativity.
Nicely done The world largest web app inspiration library展示最佳Web设计灵感的领地。 Save hours of design research by browsing the largest web app design inspiration library with screen user flow & UI component examples from the best web apps
I/O 3000 I/O 3000I/O 3000是一个日本设计爱好者设立的网页设计图库网站(有不少日本设计风格的网站案例),供参与网页设计的人使用。 I/O 3000は、Webデザインに関わる人のためのWebデザインギャラリーサイトです。国内外を問わず、Web制作の参考となるサイトをセレクトしています。
Awwwards AwwwardsAwwwards从关注设计趋势的角度收纳呈现国外流行的、受欢迎的网页设计风格… Awwwards are the Website Awards that recognize and promote the talent and effort of the best developers, designers and web agencies in the world.
Onepagelove One Page Love网站和APP单页界面欣赏 One Page Love is a One Page website design gallery showcasing the best Single Page websites, templates and resources.