美国自然科学基金 NSF NSF's mission is to advance the progress of science, a mission accomplished by funding proposals for research and education made by scientists, engineers, and educators from across the country.010国外基金# education# engineering# Military Veteran jobs
IFS IFSThe International Foundation For Science is a not-for-profit organization giving research grants to young scientists in the developing world. The International Foundation For Science is a not-for-profit organization giving research grants to young scientists in the developing world.010国外基金# awards# developing# foundation
未来论坛 首页未来论坛 未来论坛成立于2015年,是由科学家、企业家、投资人群体共同发起创立的科学公益组织。自成立以来,未来论坛秉承“科学改变未来”的使命,全面推动科学传播事业发展和产学研对接融合,迄今已凝聚了数百位全球杰出科学家、行业领军人物、青年创新精英。010知识科普知识科普# ai# ChatGPT# future